I like play dates!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mommy and daddy took me out to the property today. I love running around in the leaves, sniffing the ground, jumping over sticks and twigs and just messing around.

After helping mommy and daddy corral up trash, mommy took me back to the big white truck for a drink of water and some food. I noticed this big white dog lurking by and started chasing her....

Then she chased me....

Then I tackled her....

Then she tackled me....

We played HARD for an hour till mommy said I was tired and put me in my crate for a nap. I wanted to play more but I fell asleep! That's okay, I heard mommy telling daddy that I get to play with my new friend, Keta, tomorrow, too!

You can see ALL the photos from my play date in my SmugMug album.

Sniffing and lickingly yours,


  1. What an awesome story... and great shots!! =)

  2. Sadie is such a cutie - pretty brave, too, jumping on a bigger dog! She is going to be such a delight.


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