- Do you think you are in better, worse or the same health compared to when you started RVing?
- Do you go back to the same place every year for your workups/checkups?
- Nasty question....weight up, down or essentially the same since you started RVing?
- Do you think you get enough exercise on a regular basis?
- Do you eat out more than once or twice a week?
- How have your cooking/eating habits changed since you went RVing?
- Stu says he's a little worse thanks to his knees. I think I'm in slightly better (other than weight) because I am taking two less prescriptions.
- We go back to Stu's home area here in Maryland every fall for our checkups.
- Stu's weight is down, mine is up. (What's up with that? LOL)
- Nope but we're working on it. We were better last winter when we were walking every day. Once we get back from Disney we'll be tackling the bicycles (better for Stu's knee till he gets it repaired). We'll also be opening and I'll be using the Wii Just Dance.
- Unfortunately, yes. Again, we were down to 1-2 times a week last winter. Now we're up to a lot more. Got to get back down to the 1-2 mark.
- Our biggest change has been throwing out all processed foods. We use only whole grain cereal, breads, crackers and pasta. We use only frozen or fresh vegetables and we eat a lot of fresh fruit.
Here's to many more healthy years for ALL of us!
Till next time - keep on rollin',
Donna and Stu