Where did the month go? For that matter, where did the YEAR go???
Here's a quick catchup post for the month....we already told you about our
visit to Dollywood and our
purchase of a new-to-us car (JJ).
We made peanut butter (me) & chocolate chip (Stu) cookies for our mailman, the Fedex and UPS drivers, our boarding/grooming folks and the folks at our vet office. I had picked up nice holiday tins, tags, ribbon, paper, bows, etc. at the Dollar Store a couple weeks ago. They turned out nice and are now all delivered.
I shopped for groceries and a couple of little girl Christmas gifts for our new to the area friends who are experiencing a
HORRIBLE move to this area. I've continued to help them via Facebook connections, getting them connected with a local group with holiday food boxes as well as finding a great free local Christmas holiday show to attend.
After we bought Jeremiah the Jeep (JJ), Stu immediately started to work on the wear & tear items that needed addressing (brakes, hoses, belts) as well as rotating the tires. He still plans on replacing the ball joints and by the time winter is over, we will need new tires. He enjoys this type of work - this was a photo I snapped on HIS BIRTHDAY (17th). LOL!
Yes, we are still loving the car! |
I continued watching Hallmark Christmas movies while Stu worked on cleaning up and reorganizing the garage. In the midst of all that, he found all our missing Christmas decorations! Too late to bother putting them up, but now I can work on sorting them into what will stay in the house and what will go in the RV.
I also found my Christmas (and Halloween) shirts, and wore a couple of them (a couple more are put away for one more year, just in case I lose weight...LOL). Here are two of my favorites, gotta love T-rex!
We don't really DO Christmas, never being all the close (distance-wise) to family and this year will be no different. We have gotten a couple of Christmas cards this year, one from family, one from friends, and one hand signed by all the staff at our vet with handwritten thank you notes for the cookies.
Gifts? We tend to order things when we need them and don't exchange gifts on birthdays or Christmas. Here are a couple of things we bought ourselves recently (okay, I bought...LOL!)
With colder weather, we have been stocking up on sweatshirts that were on sale at Kohl's. We love these! We got both
zip-front and
pullover. The zip-front is still on sale for $24.99 (not at quite as low a price as we managed to get but still a great deal). The
pullovers are only $11.99 without any extra discounts (that are available through tomorrow). They are SO SOFT, don't shrink and are great quality.
From Amazon, I got myself a nice
pair of slippers, a new
fitness tracker, and got Stu two Fire Department beanies (much needed
#1 &
#2). I also found this
great little travel charger for USB devices and this amazing
add-a-shelf for one of our bathroom outlets.
The last item is still on order but should arrive next week. I know Gennita from Facebook and have followed her Brazilian Sticky man tales for some time now. Hilarious!!
ZEN AND THE ART OF BRAZILIAN STICKY & Other Roofing Tales is a compilation of hilarious stories from the real life roofer and best-selling author, Gennita Low. She has been posting the tales of conversations with her Brazilian cement worker, all told with great humor and tongue in cheek. It's now available in both
ebook and
Here's wishing all our family and friends a
Very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful Holiday Season!
Ciao for now!