Do you proof read your blog?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I used to write for a living and I used to edit as well. I find that when I write now, at least for the blogs, I don't bother proof reading. Stu will usually come in behind me and clean up any obvious blips. LOL!

I used to think it was just me but lately I've seen several things that lead me to believe I'm not the only one...
  • weeks instead of weeds
  • sight instead of site (and vice versa)
  • exuberant instead of exorbitant
  • days instead of daze
Then there are the missed know, the ones that your brains supplies when you DO try to proof something. I keep waiting for someone to jump in and comment on an obvious boo-boo but so far, everyone seems to know what I mean to say. So, THANKS for not doing that....LOL!

What about you obsess over your blog, making sure to cross every T and dot every I ? (Okay, bad example...but you know what I mean.) Or do you just go with the flow and figure that folks will understand.

Have you had anyone comment about poor grammar, bad punctuation, misspellings or using the wrong word? Have YOU ever commented about that?

Just curious....oh, and a HUGE thank you goes to my hubby, Stu, for all the proofing he does for me!!

Till next time - keep on rollin',
Donna and Stu


  1. I try to correct spelling as I go if I catch it :) Sometimes hubby will tell me, after I have posted, about an error along the way. I too used to have to proof a lot of what I wrote and so I don't think I do it as often as I used to.

    What frustrates me is like on FB when people shorten words to just letters like r for are, I think that is just plain laziness. And I think that plays a big part in why our kids have such spelling issues.

  2. The problem with proof reading something you typed is within the first 6 hours or so your brain knows what it is supposed to say and makes you think it says that. I took a number of proof reading classes for a job I had a few years ago and it's absolutely insane trying to proof read your own stuff. They say you can proof it backwards for misspellings and your brain won't just go along with what it thinks the word is supposed to be.

    Sometimes Bill will read mine and I always read his but in the end I write for my friends and family and they should know what I mean. :-) I had a teacher once that was very funny and always cracked jokes. One day she said something and accidentally flip flopped 2 of the words. Her response when we all giggled was, "You heard what I meant."So I go on that theory. :-)

  3. Hey Babe, I only found one "whoops". U du a grate job. Luv U!

  4. I use the Google Spell Checker on this computer and when I can, I get Jim to proof read my blog. Being that I've had no schooling at all, I do the best I can and write whatever I'm thinking about.

    So far no one has left any comments about the way I write, grammar or spelling, so I guess I'm doing OK. ;-)

  5. ...and then there are the tools that level the playing field. I had a passionate comment (some might call it a rant) to add here but the wonderful PREVIEW function saved my image and through it all away (I know, threw, but I made my point).

    Some bloggers are so bad I think they work on the Chick-Fil-A advertising... which I have a huge problem with, too.

  6. Hell yes, I proof read two or three times, then read it aloud to Suzy before publishing. Then I still find errors I don't go back and fix! Rick and I used to playfully point out each other's funny booboos, but we don't do that any more. I guess one of the other of us got tired of it, or maybe it began to get less than fun. But yes, there are a lot of misspellings and wrong forms and bad punctuation out there -- sometimes I'm sure it's just carelessness, other times I'm sure it's some level of never learning proper usage. I rant quietly at home, or chuckle to myself. I do not point out someone's errors publicly any longer.

  7. I try to read it before I hit publish...but if I don't get to, it's no biggy....I is what I is!!

  8. I do read over the post before publishing, but still miss things at times. If I see an error, I will correct because it will haunt me if I don't! :)

    I also did a lot of proofreading and editing when I worked and it's just ingrained in me. My family gives me a hard time because I find errors in menus, signs, etc., I just can't help myself!!

  9. I use Live Writer and proof in "edit" mode, then proof it again in "preview" mode before hitting publish. But.....occasionally I miss something. Oh well, it happens.

  10. I always read a few times as I go but primarily rely on Carm to do the final read. As Leslie said, the brain knows what it meant to say and so the text reads that way.

    Anyway, we aren't writing manuals for the space shuttle in our blogs! Gotta keep things in perspective :-)

  11. You just discussed a habit I'm trying NOT to do anymore, which is tsk-tsk over other people's punctuation, grammar and spelling. I am currently working on not "seeing" IT'S when folks mean ownership. Sob.

    Emjay (who learned long ago perfection is not possible)

  12. I always proofread my blog before hitting the publish button. That being said, there are still errors that don't get found. :(

    I only comment on other's bloopers if it's something that makes me chuckle (like I did on the Cave Dwelling post earlier this week:))

  13. I'm sure I "goof" often (especially in comments) because I type very quickly. I have a "gift" (curse??:-) for catching others people's errors (not necessarily my own!) in books, magazines, blogs, the newspaper - doesn't matter, I find typos. My son has the same gift/curse - we were laughing about it the other day. It can be maddening at times to always be in "proofread mode".

    So, to answer your question... Yes, I always proof my writings, but may still "miss" something. Just hope everyone "hears what I mean"! My Mom uses that one, too...

    Have a great day!

    Kerri in AL :-)

  14. Yes, I do proof read my blog and sometimes I still miss something. I think, once someone did point out the misuse of a word. Most of the blogs I read do a great job...I don't see much in the way of misspellings or grammar errors. Or maybe, I just don't know any better...He! He!

  15. I proof-read EVERYTHING, but sometimes miss my own errors. I loved grammar in school. In most of the jobs I've held, I've had to proof my work, as well as others' work. I have never pointed out another blogger's errors -- not yet anyway:) If I find an error in my blog after I have posted it, I will correct it.

  16. Nope. I'm lucky I get my blog posts done in the first place.

  17. Anneke acts as my editor and does a pretty good job. My biggest fault is haste. I also get tripped up occasionally by the MS word editor that decides to change the word spelling or sentence context and I do not notice.

    Since I am not preparing a legal document here, I do my best and let it fly :)

  18. Absolutely! I reword things and correct spelling as well. I try reading the whole thing aloud, and if I can't get thru it smoothly, how can I expect others to understand what I am saying?

  19. Yes, I read it through a couple times but still find errors later. When that happens, unless it's a major boo-boo, I just let it be. I'm retired. I don't want to worry about stuff like that anymore!

  20. I proofread and spell check and I still find errors after I publish. If they are egregious, I will go back and correct but if not, I let it go. We are all just people here trying to have a good time, sharing our thoughts. When I talk to people, I don't correct their grammar or my own so why should I do it in print? If these posts were for formal publication, I might feel differntly, but really, aren't we just "talking?"

  21. I usually read my blog back over before I hit that publish button. And then I read it again after it hits the web. For some reason, sometimes I see something there that I missed while it was sitting on Live Writer. And then Harry reads it at some point, so if he sees anything, he lets me know. I don't stress about missing an error - but if I see it, I fix it.

  22. What frustrates me is finding an error in a comment that I've written and not being able to go back and fix it. Same with comments on Facebook. At least on my blog, I can go back and fix it!

  23. I tend to type very quickly as I rambled the words from my head to the blog so I always go back and edit, proof read and change things around. Still the next day I find mistakes... Some I fix some I leave depending on how obvious it is to me and being from Canada alot of our words are spelt slightly different anyway. I am just sharing our journey. I am pretty easy going in life and my blog represents that I think; or rather I hope! Life is too short to be worried about too many things. Typos or not I enjoy reading many blogs so everyone keep up the great job!

  24. Going to New York in a months time and hopefully I'll have the chance to take photos as good as yours. Have a nice evening!

  25. I proofread mine but still miss errors. Sometimes Dave catches them and will fix them for me. Mostly we let them slide.

    I have teased others about errors but no longer do that unless it strikes me as something so funny that I can't pass it up.

  26. What kills me is hay for hey, there for their. It's like people don't care anymore about grammer.

  27. I'm anal about typing errors and I do proof my blog again and again before I push the publish button.

  28. I's know what y'all mean about havin' trouble understandin' what some folks right. That are why I.M. always a readin' my blog several times afore I.M. postin' it fer everyone to reed.
    Me and Nilda's blog

  29. I use spell check and couldn't write without it. I had the auto correct on for a while, but it kept changing the word on me. I'd rather go thru at the end and fix the red lined words.

    I try to proofread my blogs, but most of the time I just dash off the comments.

    I dropped out of the first pass at Freshman English at the University of Wisconsin because the instructor told me I was functionally illiterate.

    Took it over with another instructor and got a B. My degree was in Art.

    I have published two craft books, but could never have done it without proofreaders and an editor.

  30. Yes, I always proof read before posting. Jeanette then has a read and, although I am very careful, she seems to find an error or two. I always have to correct any errors....!!!

  31. It's more important to publish than to anguish over every word. Love your blog. You can always find errors. I probably have one in "hear" :) See what I mean ? But who cares? Just keep blogging

  32. What a good subject to discuss. Not being a good speller, I don’t like the fact that Blogger doesn’t have a spell checker, so I type my posts in something that does – either Microsoft Word or in a new e-mail in Outlook. This way, spell checking is done as I type before I then copy and paste my words into Blogger. However, as we all know, spell checkers will not tell you if a word has been mis-spelled if that mis-spelling creates what is still a word, just not the one you thought. To get over this, I do try to proof read all my posts, but things still get through.

    In writing my book about my recent tour of the USA, I used a lot of material I had previously written for my blog and I noticed many errors that I hadn’t previously picked up. I guess writing a blog on the road when you don’t have much time means errors will get through.

    For my book, I am taking much more care myself, then having somebody proof read the whole thing, corrections made and then another person is proof reading the whole thing again.

  33. Paul reads my part, and I read Paul's. We try to be grammatically correct but even our best sometimes isn't enough.
    We correct any one's blog. We know we are not error free!

  34. Another interesting post. No, I rarely proof my posts. For years I had to proof and re-proof (is that a word?). Now I am retired and I could care less if I proof or not. Life is too short to worry about "stuff". I have noticed that I seem to spot someone elses errors better than finding my own. My brain is rather fuzzy these days too. Oh well.

  35. Sometimes i do and still miss things and others times i'm in a hurry and don't find it until days later. I do go back and fix it if i find it later. I figure it's my journal and family and friends should know what i'm saying .. i'm blonde after all.

    I enjoy your blog .. keep up the good work and thanks Stu for helping out your wife

  36. Oh my, I hope I am having too much fun when I retire to even think about correct grammar and punctuation! Life is too short...

  37. I try to proof read and I think I do pretty well at catching my errors. I know it irritates me when I see words improperly used (their/there, it's/its, blah, blah, blah) but I would never call someone out on their spelling, grammar or usage simply because I do not know their schooling or background. I have been known to intentionally use misspellings in an effort to imitate a drawl or local accent, purely in fun.

    But yes, I cringe at mistakes, both my own and those of others.

  38. I'm way behind on comments, AND blogging, but I'll pipe up here and agree with Carol K thoughts on the subject. She pretty much hit the nail on the head for my feelings!

  39. I can proof read and not find something until after I post it, sometimes hours/days later. That is what "edit" is for!

    My bigger concern is knowing there is a better way to express what I want to say but being unable to come up with it.


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