My first toy was this great stuffed elephant...wait a minute. He's not stuffed...he's FLAT. One of mommy's RV blog friends talks about Flat Stanley so maybe this should be Flat Ellie? I like it though, it has a rope tail that is good for tug of war.
My second toy was a little stuffed green frog that squeaks. Daddy teases mommy because her nickname is Froggi. I have a nickname, well a LOT of nicknames....Sadie Bug, Sader, Sadikins, Munchkin, Stink Bug Eater. I don't like that last one...I don't like Stink Bugs but they are everywhere!
My first visit to the vet got me a little yellow dog. Mommy cuts off all the tags on my new toys but the one from the vet still had them...they are fun to chew on.
My newest toy is Pumba, the wart hog...he's soft and furry and squishy and has lots of little things that stick out that make it easy for me to grab. Oh and his tail is really fun to chew on!
I have some other fun stuffed toys, small balls to chase and one really hard ball made out of strings. I think I will like that one better once I have bigger teeth.
But my FAVORITE toys are paper towel and toilet paper rolls...I chase them all over the floor. Sometimes they get stuck under the cabinets but I can usually get them out. My other favorite toy is a water bottle. It rolls and makes a funny crinkly sound when I chew on it.
I hope I never lose my toys! Do you have any favorite toys to share?
Sniffing and lickingly yours,
Sadie, you are one lucky puppy. I hope to get to meet up with you one of these days. Travel safe!