We then started talking about board games we played as kids. Number one was Monopoly
I had a summer house visitor in the cottage behind my house...Janet was her name. We would play Monopoly for days...leaving it set up on the floor and coming back to it every day. LOL! I can picture it in my mind...we were best friends every summer until we moved from Mass to NH. I don't remember her last name or where she lived the rest of the year (Duxbury used to have many, many summer homes/cottages). Wonder if she remembers it as well as I do?
What was your favorite childhood game? When was the last time you played it? The last for me was playing Sorry with my granddaughters in Atlanta...they were BRUTAL! LOL!
No much else new here...we're recouping from our time in Orlando and Sadie is recouping from her doggie camp. I couldn't even stay awake through the Super Bowl and I slept 10 hours. Time to get off my butt and ride the bicycle!!
Tomorrow Sadie gets spayed and micro-shipped, we'll probably hit a few stores and take in a movie I think.
Till next time - keep on rollin',
Donna and Stu
As a child my grandmother and I played Chinese checkers all the time but checkers sometimes. When I got older it was Cribbage and Scrabble. My younger sister learned to count and add playing Cribbage. It was so funny to see a 4 yr old count 15-2, 15-4. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI played Monopoly, checkers, chess, chinese checkers. Played a lot of card games with my grandmother -- euchre, hearts, canasta. Play a lot of poker on the internet today!
ReplyDeleteOh my....My Daddy and I had epic games of Battleship...and Trouble!!!
ReplyDeleteMonopoly was my fave. The hubs and I played it sometime this past summer. Please give Sadie an extra kiss and hug from Billy and I before her vet visit tomorrow!!!
ReplyDeleteWe played all of those board games. I remember long summer days spent in my best friends basement playing canasta and monopoly!
ReplyDeleteWe had no air conditioners in our neighborhood, but the basement was always cool!
We aren't much in the way of gamers, but I do remember my parents had a Tripoli board and used to play that with friends....Dennis is a card player, though...He likes eucher...
ReplyDeleteSince I have a 10 year old, I still get to play games (more than I want to! :-) Clue is her current favorite followed closely by Monopoly and all card games. My son loved Battleship and Life. We had several games when I was young, but we mostly played in the woods! lol
ReplyDeleteAnother great post. Sure hope Sadie's surgery goes according to plan. Keep us posted!
Kerri in AL :-)
I played 'Monopoly' with my brothers and sisters, or we would play cards. Nobody seems to want to play monopoly now. During the holidays we played 'Sorry' a lot with my daughter and her in-laws. I think I just prefer playing card games.
ReplyDeleteHang in there Sadie! You can sleep it off in a couple of days!
ReplyDeleteEldy says he played "Authors"...I never heard of that...As kids, we were outdoors all the time...kick the can, hide and seek, Red Rover...
ReplyDeleteClue was my board game of choice and loved playing hearts and spades.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else play the card game "Flinch"? My family played that a lot, especially on Sunday afternoons, which was our traditional time to play games.
ReplyDeleteI played all those same games as a kid... we still love playing games and cards. I just know Sadie will do fine and be home soon recouping! Have fun & Travel safe
We played all those games, both the indoor and outdoor ones. It seems like we "specialized" in a different one every summer. One summer it was Canasta with a kid who never organized his cards so he would pull them from everywhere in his hand and drive me nuts. Another summer it was croquet and I had a broken collar bone so got good at playing one handed. I hated playing Monoply with Dad though; he was SO kind when you owned him too much money. We also played a card game we kids were required to call "Oh, heck!" which friends were required to call "Oh, fudge."
ReplyDeleteI forgot to say my brother had the same peg game. It was called Hi-Q. I could do the one where you ended up with a peg in each of the inside corners but not where you ended up with just one peg.
ReplyDeleteThe last child's game I remember playing was Holler, Whistle, Sing, or No Play. It was a form of tag, but we played in about 40 acres. Boy, did we get the exercise. We also played all the games you mentioned, along with Rummy,Jacks, bad mitton, crocket(sp.), the game with balls and mallets.