We've all smelled it. Doggy odor. THAT smell. Those of us that live with the dogs, typically develop nose blindness, at least to our dogs and their typical odor. We smell it in other folks homes, just not ours.
But there are those times when even we can smell that unique aroma on our dogs. Sometimes we immediately know what happened...they got sprayed by a skunk or rolled in something foul while outdoors. Other times, we're at a loss.
There can be many causes to an abnormal dog odor: allergies, yeast infections, bad teeth, ear infections to name just a few. Of course, there is that one other distinctive odor when anal glands need expressing. Pew! Most people opt to have their vet or groomer take care of that.
We are fairly fortunate. Murphy may shed but he has no doggy odor, a trait particular to Collies (thank you, Murphy's mom). Cooper on the other hand, reeks at times. Just typical doggy odor but in small spaces it's more apparent. Between groomings we use a doggy deodorizer spray to help out.
Cooper heading out into the rain...
Our pups LOVE the outdoors, no matter the weather. Rain and snow don't slow them down...and that means mud. We have done a couple of baths, but the bigger they get, the tougher it is. Come spring and warm weather, we will set up an area outdoors where we can wash them.
Our most recent purchases include an attachment for the shower head so hopefully it will be easier to wash them inside. We haven't used it yet...keeping my fingers crossed.
The other is a paw washer. Cooper's hair seems to trap the mud more than Murphy's but I'm sure we will use this for both of them.
Doodle on!
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Deer poo seems to be a favourite with my daughters dogs. With their own 'lake' to swim it wet dog seems normal, but how you tell which one has expelled 'air' from their rear end is more difficult to identify sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh. Years ago when living in rural Pennsylvania in the middle of a National Forest, our little five pound Yorkie got loose. Our neighbor brought him home - holding him at arms length. He had rolled in bear poop! Three baths later he was barely tolerable.
DeleteSchnauzers aren't supposed to have doggy odor but I guess Emmi didn't get that message. At least at 11 pounds she is easy to plop in the bathtub!
ReplyDeleteAt 55# each, tossing these in the tub isn't easy. LOL! Emmi is tiny for sure!
DeleteEdward the Goldendoodle has a doodle smell. Sometimes when he's in the car with us (his favorite activity) I will suddenly smell what I call a "whiff o' doodle." I'm not sure where it comes from! I think both poodles and goldens smell!
ReplyDeleteI'm used to wet dog smell but I swear, Cooper can smell like a swamp sometimes. LOL!
DeleteI totally relate. Border Terriers do not have a doggie odor and none of my Poodles Standard or Mini's over the years had ANY dog odor or shedding. My Rottie had ODOR and shed at least a small dog of hair each week. I had forgoten all about dog odor until I added a hound to the family. She is not bad but every once in a while I walk past the dog beds and get a whiff. Then the scrubbing and washing begins.
ReplyDeleteWe do get used to it, to a certain extent. Sure am glad they have the Arm & Hammer Carpet Deodorizer!
DeleteDoggie odor for us varies. If I can get out early enough in the morning for walks, the smell stays pretty minimal. But longer adventures almost always means Doodle BO. I’ve seen those paw washers and I’ve debated getting one. In the desert we don’t get muddy, but they will get dry dirt, cactus pieces, and burrs in their paw and leg hair. I usually use their comb to pry out larger pieces of desert refuse, but I’ve been debating adding water to make muddy paws (!?!) to be able to use the paw washers just to give their paws a better refresh after a long walk. How’s crazy does this idea sound?
ReplyDeleteWe have one of the simple paw washers and found we used them more, with warm water, to melt the snowballs Cooper got on his feet. LOL! If really, REALLY muddy, hubby will use it then. Does really help but Cooper is not a fan.
DeleteOh that makes sense with the snow. I don't have that issue:) I could see Bernie not being a fan. Lizzie is kind of up for anything. Since she's the pup who gets more desert debris, I could try with her. Thanks for the input!