Stu and Lin: Update, Lin progresses

Monday, March 3, 2008

Update, Lin progresses
Mar 3, 2008

Lin has made more progress since my last posting. She had a short plateau after the shunt was placed and is now caught up and surpassed the levels achieved before the shunt. She is able to open her eyes, move her fingers and toes on command, the right side better then the left. She has been breathing on her own for the last three days. She is still fighting an infection in her lungs, but that seems to be well under control with therapy and antibiotics. The ICU team is ready to send her to another facility. Dr. Pribil is not quite ready for that. He is suggesting a step-down unit within the St Luke's system. He wins. I am going to meet with all the health care team so everyone is on the same sheet of music. Basically, the ICU care has brought Lin to a level where their area of expertise ceases to be of continuing benefit. Lin's still needs advanced care. That care can be better tailored to Lin's specific needs by the step-down unit and later at an acute care rehabilitation hospital.

I remain very optimistic about Lin's eventual recovery. Her most recent scans indicate continued healing and reduction in swelling. However, she has a long road ahead of her. I have described this has taking small steps each day. Lin is climbing the Empire State Building and we find ourselves on the first floor. We may be looking at a year or so before we can say Lin's has recovered from this ordeal.

Some of you have asked when Lin can get cards and other things. She can get all the cards you can send. Please send all the cards (and Emails) to me at our Livingston address. I will make sure she gets them posted in her room. The ICU does not allow flowers or food in the unit. If this changes when she moves to the next unit, I will let everyone know.

On a less serious front, Duane came by to visit with me for a day. He was able to get a delivery in the Houston area. We spent the day checking up on Lin, eating the wrong kinds of food and killing a few brain cells during the NASCAR race. The visit was a well needed respite for me. Thanks Duane.

Once again, thank you for all your prayers, emails, phone calls etc. They help me a lot. Those of you that know Lin and I in a personal way, know that Lin is my best friend as well as my soul mate. I miss her banter, fussing and advice.



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