A day in the life of #2Doods

Thursday, October 12, 2017

A little pictorial showing a typical day in the life of Cooper and Murphy, our #2doods.

I woke up to this...

Then it's time to eat...Cooper in the kitchen and Murphy (eating off a cookie sheet to slow him down) in the utility room.

Then the zoomies hit - no photo of the zoomies but it's when they race from room to room, inside and outside and back in, around the room and back out. This is what the bed looks like after an attack of zoomies.

Then it's time for some calmer play...

Or maybe a little wrestling...

Played out (for now), they assume this position...

Soon it's lunch time and then back outside.

Maybe a shared toy...

Maybe some cow chasing...

Or maybe a little mass destruction!

Don't they look sweet and innocent?

An afternoon treat...this one is homemade (not by me) pumpkin bars...yummy! Murphy finished first and is eying Cooper's...

A little more play (yes, that's Cooper's infamous tongue)...

Then an afternoon nap...

Before dinner - play - zoomies - and then bedtime. And tomorrow it will all happen again!

Ciao for now!


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