The trip was uneventful except for a panic stop that threw my little table and a few other things towards the front of the coach. I will now use the tote with all computer stuff in it set across the legs of the table to keep that from happening again. There was a gas station I could easily pull into after the stop so I quickly set everything back up again and proceeded onward.
Here comes the "for naught".... thanks to their metal building behind me and tall motorhomes to either side I have NO satellite reception. None, nada, zip, zero, zilch... Guess I will be doing a lot of reading unless I can get them to move me to another spot tomorrow. LOL!
They have my laundry list of woes, wants & wishes - all divided into have to, need to and want to. Whatever isn't done by Friday night will have to wait till I get further down the road. I'm burning time here in the north when I need to get south.
Well, think I will see how many magazines I can clean out and then dig out a DVD or two to watch. I need to be up at 7 am ET so they can get an early start on my work.
Till next time - keep on rollin',
Don't forget that you can often get the local channels with your rigs regular TV antennae & a booster. I find it kind of nice to get local news rather than news from NY or LA. It only takes a couple of minutes to try it.