Boarding was a breeze since we are now Platinum on Carnival. We whizzed through the priority line and were quickly in our room. Yes, a balcony. I'm spoiled. Actually, I get on people overload and love having an outdoor space just for me (and Stu).
Our first week was visiting the Mexican Riviera with an overnight stop (a first) in Puerto Vallerta and then on to Cabo San Lucas. While I hadn't been to Puerto Vallerta, I've visited enough in Mexico to not bother getting off. Of course, we honeymooned in Cabo. ;) But Stu had dives in both places. He preferred Cabo but enjoyed both. Heck, any dive is a good dive, he says.
He didn't take any land photos and I only took a few from the ship at both ports, but here are some stills taken from his GoPro video shot in Puerto Vallerta as well as a few I took from the ship. To see all the photos we took at both ports, click Puerto Vallerta and Cabo San Lucas.
These are all from Puerto Vallerta:

Here are a couple from Cabo San Lucas which was a tender port (meaning to get to shore, you would board a smaller boat):

PS. You can see ALL our trip photos HERE.
Ciao for now!
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