But once again Jell-O rules and our plans must change. We won't be able to attend this year. That could be a win for someone out there. If we can sell our tickets before Feb 20th, CMA World will change the name and mail the tickets directly to the new owner of them. Otherwise they will be mailed to us in mid-May (when we plan to be out of the country) and we are stuck.
What do you get? Tickets for two, four days at CMA Fest in Nashville June 6-9. Good seats for viewing, see seating chart [www.cmaworld.com/docs/cma-fest/mf13-seating-chart.pdf] and look for Section 228 Row A Seats 12 - 11. Paid $371.45, Selling for $325. We also have a week's reservation at Two Rivers Campground which we could also move into your name.
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