The rally is over and what a wonderful time I've had. Too much food, too much laughter, too much fun......NAH! Never too much fun......
We had an interesting start to our train ride to the Grand Canyon. We were supposed to be picked up in shuttle buses for the short ride from the park to the train depot. First announcement was that we were delayed by 30 minutes. The 30 minutes came and went and we noticed lots of cell phone work on the part of the campground owners and our rally hosts. Next thing we hear the train whistle and said folks shouting, "Stop the train! We've got to stop the train....."and with phones at full alert....they somehow did exactly that.
Long story short...the owner and driver of the shuttle bus company had emergency quintuple by-pass surgery and with the short staff, they just couldn't make it. The campground owners managed to make history....getting the Grand Canyon Railway train to STOP at the road crossing beside the campground. First time EVER..... They hurried us aboard and got us settled as quickly as possible so they could get moving.
Photos and the rest of the story tomorrow....
Till next time - keep on rollin',
Are they running the steam powered locomotive yet? When we were there in March, 2004, they were only running the diesels in the winter but were supposed to start running the steam locos in the summer. I do want to take that trip some day.