I was the data processing manager (does that title even exist now?) for a small company just outside Orlando, FL when Post-it® Notes came out. They were so useful that I bought my own to use in my department. What did we do before then? You used paper clips and hoped the note didn't slip off, or you stapled it to the original (if allowed). Now sticky notes come in all sizes, colors, shapes and are used in many different ways than the original. I used to have a collection of funny notes, funny shapes and different colors - I loved (and still do love) them.
VELCRO®? I have love-hate relationship with VELCRO®. Sometimes it doesn't work well enough, other times it works too well. But it is handy...well, except for that burr side. You know, the one that sticks to everything except what you want it to stick to, just like the sand burrs in Florida! And shoes? Kidlets and the elderly, right? Okay, maybe not, but that's what I think of (I won't mention the great sandals I have that use it...)
Hello, my name is Donna and I am a Ziploc® Bag addict. I love them - all sizes, all weights, all fastener types. Before Stu and I got together, I had them all. Freezer and storage weight, traditional squeeze zipper as well as the slide zipper, gallon/quart/mini capacities. Now we only have freezer weight but I still get both fastener styles, to Stu's constant aggravation (hey, the slide zipper isn't as airtight or liquid containing as the traditional). I use them for everything! We even have the XL size for traveling by motorcycle (and now storage). Great products, no matter the use.
So what are you favorite small inventions that you would hate to live without (and remember when you had to)?
Have you tried the new Kindle Fire? Here is a hard to resist price!