Getting old....the good, the bad and the ugly

Friday, November 9, 2012

Growing old isn't for sissies but it is better than the alternative! There are some things that I like about it but there are others that I don't. Here's a little sampling...

  • Vision getting worse - not just reading things but I need a LOT more light to do anything. I sometimes feel like a mushroom in a cave and go around turning on all the lights.
  • Manual dexterity decreasing - sure, I knew I'd have trouble threading a needle. Thank goodness for needle threaders. But I've found when cooking and dishing out food, I'm much more clumsy with the spoon and spatula. What's up with that?
  • Weight shifts - yeah, you heard me. Even when I don't add any pounds, everything seems to be shifting to the middle, forcing me into larger sizes. :(
  • Hair - where it shouldn't be and losing it where it should be. It's not just men that worry about this. My eyebrows are thinning and I found out what's happening. All those little hair follicles are my chin! UGH!

  • But I do love that both my laptops have back-lit keyboards AND my white wireless keyboard really rocks!
  • I care less what others think about me. I spent most of my life trying to be what I thought others expected me to be. No more! You don't like me? That's your problem. ;-)
  • While I like to look nice that doesn't mean every hair in place in the perfect current style. Nor does it mean expertly applied make-up every day. Nope, what you see is what you get. Best I can do is try to get a haircut every 6-8 weeks (when I really need it every 5 weeks).
  • Doing the unexpected - this ties into the first one. Now I get to try things that I would never have considered when I was young. Simple things like getting soaked at a theme park, fun things like going zip-lining, adventurous things like traveling the country on my motorcycle. Life's too short!

So what are your pet peeves about aging? The good, the bad and the ugly. Do tell...


  1. Mike says someone plays a dirty trick on men taking all the hair from their heads and putting it in their ears and nose. Me, I resent losing my eyesight along with the aches and pains I never used to have. Oh, yea, and the stupid weight gain around the middle!

    1. I know, why does our weight have to shift that way? Means new pants and tops...ugh!

  2. I guess losing my good vision is the worst..And of course my Shar Pei skin..(Having some of that fixed tho)..;-)) Better living through Science..and much better for the self esteem!

    1. I saw you were having surgery (hard to keep up with all my favorite blogs while writing so much this month), glad to know what that was all about. I'll be looking forward to hearing about it when you're done.

      Um, are you writing yet? [ducking]

  3. Having to break down and buy a pair of reading glasses was pretty traumatic. It's funny, my sister-in-law and I are the same age and we compare notes. “Is this happening to you," I'll ask her?

    Jerry agrees about the ear hair! Ha ha!

    1. It's good to know we all are dealing with the same issues. LOL!

  4. Have to agree with all of it and Mike's aches & pains too.

    1. Welcome to the blog! It is tough but definitely some good trade-offs. ;-)

  5. Well said. The upside to growing older is being on the up side of the my golfing friends often like to point out after a bad golf shot.

    1. Yup, we keep telling each other that it's better than the alternative. Stu is always so positive about things, I have to work on that. LOL!

  6. Hate walking in a new store or restaurant and having to locate the men's room. Hate asking my wife to repeat everything.

    Love being able to tell any guy where the men's room is. Love not having to shave if I don't want to.

    1. Ooh, great input from the male side of things. I know Stu would agree on all counts!!

  7. The memory is shot and my face is falling!

    The up...discounts, discounts, discounts! Especially the Senior Parks Pass good at COE and National parks! Who doesn't love half price camping?

    1. We're happy that Stu will qualify for his own Senior Park Pass in December. Means we can both ride our motorcycles into the National Parks for free. ;-)

      Great add to the plus side! Now, what was I saying?? ;-)

  8. Shoot,, you guys dun't know what old age problems are,,,,Just wait. let me tell you there is MORE to come and it ain't gona get any better.....
    Finally ya just give up and be content to just be alive..

    1. Sending hugs to you and Pat! Miss seeing you guys...we won't get out west till next Sep-Oct when we ride Route 66.

  9. Me too, my hair is getting so thin and being gray now I see more scalp all the time. I am with Sharon, love those discounts.

    1. The hair thinning is really starting to set in. And of course I have to be different. My hair is getting finer and losing all its body. I was looking forward to more curls. ;-)

  10. It is much easier to look down and pluck those eyebrows than it was to look up and try to get them.LOL!
    We know we are doing alright,if after, reading the obits, we don't see our name. Then we plan our day!LOL!

  11. The best thing about getting older is the freedom to be ME.

    I don't like losing my eyesight, hearing, and memory but all in all, I would rather be 60(+!!) than 16.

    1. I couldn't agree more. You couldn't pay me enough to be a teenager or even in my 20-30's again. If I had to chose an age it would be my 40's, but with the knowledge that I really was doing much better than I thought at the time. ;-)

  12. When do you get old enough to ride a trike? Opps, I hope Stu didn't read that......LOL...

    1. LOL@Rod - Stu has only ridden a trike since getting his certification. He rode two in younger years but loves the look of the trike. And I have to tell you, he gets a LOT of compliments and questions from folks admiring it. ;-)

  13. HI... Peter & Margaret here... Let us know when you get to FL...

  14. A little late on responding but have a couple of additions to your thoughts: You know you are getting old when ...
    -- the snack cabinet becomes the pill cabinet...
    -- you can't trust a fart (sorry, but true).

    BTW, ordered my hearing aids just today.


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