The first was getting a toilet riser. They come in many styles, we opted for one that mounts on to the toilet (we have a standard porcelain toilet, fortunately) and has handles on the side to help him stand up. He only used this for the first week but it was a huge help.
His initial attempts at PT were done in the reclining loveseat and utilized the coffee table for an extended stable surface. For a bolster, he used a beach pillow/pad roll. For something to squeeze between his knees, he used Sadie's biggest stuffed toy.
Each PT session is followed by 20 minutes of ice therapy, this is where the Cryo-Cuffs have really come in handy.
That is followed up with a 20-30 minute walk, weather permitting. We've been trying to walk at least twice a day.
He has lost weight and hopes to lose more. His PT has moved to the bed and is done on the days he doesn't go in for PT at Anne Arundel Medical Center. His first week was spent in one-on-one sessions with a therapist, three times a week for 45-60 minutes.. The second week he was moved into the group class, three times a week for 2 hours. Intensive!
But the highlight of the last two weeks was when Stu got to drive for the first time. No more Coumadin, off narcotics for pain and able to flex leg to specific degrees. Woot!
The therapists think he'll be in for another two weeks before they let him loose. Each visit they add and subtract exercises, tailoring things to his specific needs. He has good flex and can get his knee completely straight so now they are working on strengthening and balance.
He still tires more than he would like - it takes the body a while to recover from all this. He's still glad he did both knees at once. He also added a little to the write-up here.
Till next time - keep on rollin',
Donna and Stu