The walls moved again...

Monday, March 12, 2012

We stayed in one place for a LOOOOONNNNG time, then suddenly mommy made the walls move. I love riding in the big white truck but this time was different. Mommy didn't ride with us. I missed her.

Sometimes I'd hear her talking and I'd look around but I never could find her. Daddy said something about ceebees but I don't know what that is, do you?

Today I got a BIG surprise. We're back with my sissy, Fiona (and her brat step-brother Clubber). They were in the little pen but I got to run around the yard...and boy, can I run!

Later their daddy came home and let them out....we ran and played and ran and tumbled and ran and drank lots of water and ran....I'm SOOOO happy!

Now I'm sleepy. Tomorrow I get to play with sissy again!

Sniffing and lickingly yours,


  1. Sure glad to hear from you again. We haven't had the walls move for a long time either but Mom keeps talking about something called a Rally this month. Wonder if I'll like that.


  2. YAY! So good to see you again Sadie! Have fun with your sis!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  3. Sadie, I didn't know you had a blog! I look a little bit like you, but you are brave. I would not like to ride a motorcycle! I'll have my Mom post my picture on her blog so you can see what I look like. She'll let you know when she gets that done.
    I like it when my walls move, but I don't like loud sounds. They scare me. ``Wrinkles``


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