I did ride to work on Friday. It was barely 70 when I left, perfect riding with the mesh jacket and shorty helmet. What a treat! It's a shame that I'm only 3 miles from work....and have to be there at 8am. I took it to lunch, another mile or so and then home (no side trips since it's hot right now). Felt good to get out and feel the wind in my face.
Today was a tough day....Mike would have been 65. I spent a lot of time in reflection...where I've been, where I'm going. So many wonderful memories to sustain me...I know how fortunate I am. Anyway, one of the things I considered was the sale of my house. It's been listed for five months now, due to expire the end of September. I have decided to take it off the market early. I hate living in limbo....boxes & totes everywhere, living on temporary furniture....it's time to make the house back into a home.
Since the job arrived into my life so unexpectedly, I think I am meant to stay in the house. I've always loved it as did Mike. Sparta is such a great little town, I've really enjoyed my time here. I remember when I knew I had made the right move in coming here. It was a couple of weeks after Mike passed, I was on the phone with one of my daughters and the front door bell rang. It was in the middle of the week and dark outside. Having moved from the Tampa/St Pete area, my first thought was, "....did I lock the storm door?".
I realized that I was on the phone and my daughter would know if something happened, so I flipped on the outside light and opened the inside door. No one was there but as I looked out into the yard I saw about a dozen women standing out there....singing Christmas carols. Perfect.....
More this week about life in my small town.....
Till next time - keep on rollin',