Here's a synopsis of what's been up with us since we got back on Feb 12th (ten days - where did it go?):
- Uneventful drive back from Tampa other than a windshield chip
- Insurance covers windshields at 100%, got the chip repaired (yay!)
- Rain, then more rain
- Stu had a dentist appointment, one wisdom tooth extraction, two crowns
- Still raining
- I had a mammogram and was offered the new 3D mammography (Medicare pays for it)
- We both had doctor appointments. All is well with us both!
- A break in the rain, had two sunny, beautiful spring-like days!
- We closed on the sale of our property in Jamestown. Sold to RVing friends who plan to build a cabin for non-winter residency. In fact, their plans pretty much echo our original plans!
- Did all the usual daily stuff - shopping, laundry
- Watched the Olympics!
- We started a lo carb diet (lazy keto) on the 13th. We are both down six pounds!
- Raining again!
Stu initially thought he had either a cold or sinus issues (we've both had the allergies nail us since returning home). A week later and he's currently getting a root canal for an abscess beside the extraction. Hoping he will get to feeling better.
On the down side, our son-in-law had to have surgery to remove a brain tumor that was found when he suddenly suffered a seizure. It came back cancer but they feel they have it all removed. He is now undergoing treatment to be sure. Also, my old neighbor from back before I went full-timing let me know her husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, spread to the lymphs and liver. He is way too young. Another very good friend was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that has spread into the shoulder area and is currently in rehab with a fractured collar bone and two more in the hip. Lastly, a friend from Florida passed a day after entering hospice, he had a head/neck cancer and had been fighting his battle for a while. Sigh...cancer SUCKS!
The 2doods? They're doing fine...as always. Cooper lost a little weight and Murphy gained too much weight while at doggy camp. We suspect Murphy was eating some of Cooper's food. Ten days of normal eating and Cooper is back up and Murphy is slowly decreasing. LOL! I know everyone is missing their dose of the Doods, so here is a little compilation video of their indoor play this morning.
Funny story from yesterday as we headed to drop the pups at doggy daycare off before going to the closing on the property. It was early and I hadn't had breakfast so I went through the McD's drive-thru to get a cup of coffee. This was a first for the pups.
~ They didn't like the voice in a box. They barked.LOL! Guess we need to get out more...
~ They didn't like the lady taking my money. They barked.
~ And they were still barking when the coffee lady spoke to me.
I snapped a couple of photos in the doctors office. I fell in love with this hedgehog in my examining room. I want one!
And had to save this one from the waiting room.
Don't forget, the entire Lei Crime Paradise trilogy is now available at Amazon!! If you have an Amazon Kindle Unlimited membership, all three are there as well!

Ciao for now!