Anyway, here are some photos I've taken since my last post. I hope you enjoy!
View from our kitchen window...

Our pond, overfull from the recent rains...

Nellie Moser Clematis by our front door...

Pink and red roses at the front of the house...

Stu putting up new motion sensor outdoor lights on both the front porch and the garage...

Rainy day project, new blinds in the office to help block the afternoon sun...

Changing the oil in one of several vehicles that needed done...

Taking a well deserved nap...

While I watch silly SyFy disaster movies (photo courtesy of our security system camera)...

We've shown our original property once and have several others interested, time will tell. Any other showings will have to wait until we get back in July. Friday we head north to Maryland for 6-8 weeks. Never a dull moment!
Ciao for now!
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