We arrived around 1-2pm on Tuesday and the first chore was to unload the trike before we nestled into our spot. Well, the battery was dead. So we turned on our inverter, plugged in the Battery Tender and headed over to Five Guys for a late lunch. There we lucked into WiFi from the next door business. When we got back, the bike started without a hitch and we settled into our spot.
This is a photo our stepdaughter took and posted on Facebook...we're the bums in the back yard. LOL!
We are now comfortable: good Wifi, DIRECTV working and the first couple of medical appointments are history. Another medical appointment in the morning, followed by lab work, a movie or two, some Sam's Club shopping and dinner with our Thursday night friends. (Well, they are friends all the time but we have dinner with them on Thursday nights...LOL!)
Sunday we hope to see two of the grand-girls playing soccer and sometime SOON I will get to meet baby Waverly. Monday afternoon we will load up and move over to another family driveway in Delaware, see family and sort through the packages that have arrived for us to mule back to Ecuador. We'll be there a week, then back to this driveway for another two weeks before heading back to TN.
So much to get done, friends to see, doctors to chat with, glasses to get, shopping trips, movies and dining out...when am I supposed to write? Sigh, but it will all get done - sooner or later. ;)

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