Last Saturday night we finally managed to meet Stu's youngest daughter and her husband for dinner. Oh yeah, they brought along our newest grandbaby for me to meet for the first time. What a little doll!! Here are a few photos....
On Sunday we watched Jesse and Olivia, Stu's oldest daughter's girls, play soccer.
Jesse (hot pink shorts) takes her soccer seriously.
Her older sister, Olivia, does as well!
The newest, baby Waverly, models the latest hat fashions.
We are obviously enjoying our time here in the US, spending time with family and eating all the food treats we can't get in Ecuador (still need to get my Double T Diner Philly Cheese Steak and Rustico's Italian dinner).
We also took a ride on the new trike over to Ocean City, MD. I had never been and being off-season it was a real treat even though many stores were closed. Thrasher's Fries were first on our list, we walked the boardwalk for what seemed like miles, met some friends that Stu used to work with and talked about living in Ecuador, splurged at Dunkin' Donuts and bought a couple of t-shirts before ending the day at the Frog Bar and Grill. ;) LOTS of photos to follow later...when we aren't borrowing WiFi and I can get them all uploaded.
Today we are taking Livie and Jesse to see "Box Trolls" but first they wanted to sit on the new trike. Looking good!
Tomorrow Stu is going with a couple of buddies to the Dover Nascar races, I hope to get some writing done...or maybe just do a Syfy TV binge. ;) On Monday we move back to our MD driveway home for two weeks before driving the rig back to TN. Still more friends to see, more family time coming and a couple of medical appointments to keep.
Oh, writing? Not so much...I feel bad I haven't been able to tackle it but I do feel family comes first. Then sleep - yeah, they wear me out. LOL!