Oh yeah, Disney at Christmas. What an experience! We really enjoyed ourselves and loved the campground. Would we go back again? Absolutely, just not during a major holiday. The crowds were insane!
The first day was spent at the Magic Kingdom. We got to see one of the big parades and we stayed late enough to see Cinderella's castle FROZEN.

But this was my favorite - and I have no idea what movie it's from. Anyone know? The dragon actually had steam coming out the sides and fire coming out his mouth. I loved it! So steampunk.

Day two was Epcot. The most exciting part of the day for Stu was diving the Dive Quest experience at Epcot. You can see all the photos I took - some decent, some not. LOL! But he loved it and would do it again.
Day three was Hollywood Studios where Stu indulged several rides. We walked a lot as you can see here. Yes, I was exhausted and did take a short nap.

We really enjoyed the Storm Trooper march!
Day four found us in Animal Kingdom where we did the Safari. We did see some animals but the car was so crowded it was hard to take photos. We rested for a while in the Africa section and were treated to several great live performances.
Five days took it's toll - the final day, back in Epcot, I only lasted until just after lunch and we headed back early. I think I was still recovering from being sick and my energy level wasn't up to par. You can see all the photos here.
We came home and had a week to get ready to drive to Tennessee to close on our new house. Since we decided to take our cargo trailer with us, we purged as much as possible out of the RV. Poor KaZy must have lots several hundred pounds. Oh, and we aren't done. Come April she will undergo another purge while parked at the house.
The next blog will pick up here....
Ciao for now!
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