Sorry for the late notice, it's hard with multiple blogs which is why I recommend following ALL of them.
[insert smile here]
You can still grab your copy of "Not a Whisper" at a sale price. Check it out! Here is the sale schedule:
August 23, 2014 at 8:00 AM (PST) 20h $1.99 61%
August 24, 2014 at 4:00 AM (PST) 20h $2.99 41%
August 25, 2014 at 12:00 AM (PST) 20h $3.99 21%
August 25, 2014 at 8:00 PM (PST) Original price $4.99
Oh, you don't have to have a Kindle to read the book - check out the
Kindle Reading apps for your PC, Mac, smartphone or tablet.
Be sure to tell your friends about the sale - get it before it's back to full price!
On a more personal note, we are BUSY here in Ecuador, less than a week before we fly back to the states to visit family & friends. Oh yeah, and I get to attend the
Writers' Police Academy.
PS. Sign up for my
author newsletter and you might win a $5 Amazon gift certificate. Drawing done monthly and announced in the newsletter.
Drawing from new subscribers from the previous month only.